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Here are just few of the things I miss most about my childhood

1. Not worrying about political stuff. I'm so tired of hearing about Trump and Biden and watching people tear each other down just because they don't follow the same code of beliefs or propaganda as they do.

2. Not having health issues. Health problems really make life difficult to enjoy when they hold you back. You get older and your metabolism slows and you have to start watching what you eat and nothing is fun anymore.

3. Feeling connected to other humans. When you're a kid everyone (most of the time) fawns and dotes on you and you usually have a group of friends or people you see everyday. When you grow up everyone kind of scatters and starts off on their own individual journeys. Old family members die, friends lose touch, and you lack that old feeling of togetherness. If you live alone it hurts even more because you realize you are lonely and disconnected.

4. Not having to worry about personal safety. When I was a kid my parents protected me, and I knew I was safe as long as I was close to them. I could hold my dad's hand as we walked to the park and feel like everything would be okay. Now as an adult living in a city I always have to watch my back when I walk down the sidewalk and carry a taser or pepper spray. I can't ever relax in public because scary incidents I have personally experienced taught me not to ever let my guard down.

5. How easy it was to make friends. When you are a kid it is super simple to make friends, you can just go up someone and ask if they want to play. As an adult if you ask another adult if they "want to play" you get the cops called on you.