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The Dope Smoke Saga


What's New in MY World?

I'll tell ya!!!!

Update #2 Nov 1, 2021

As of November 1st, 2021 I have not sent the letter (yet). I did manage to get a hold of the office on October 27th and was told to call the police the next time I smell the dope coming into my apartment. The assistant manager told us that "without proper documentation we can't do anything" -- so all the times I emailed them, called them, left voicemails, and visited the office in person weren't being documented? 🤔 Emails and voicemails that they ignored? What kind of crap is that?

Update #1 October 13th, 2021

I am going to send a certified letter to my landlord this weekend. Read it here

October 6th, 2021: I have been having a hard time with my downstairs neighbor smoking up a storm. I have dubbed him "Dopehead" and "Mr. Wonderful" for a touch of humor. Please enjoy at my expense. Send me Scooby Snacks if you can, these fumes are making ya girl hungry for some munchies!!!


Timeline of events (The Dope Smoke Log)

Ignored Emails (that I have sent to the office about the smoke)

email gif

Ignored Email #1

"Good afternoon. This is Jess. I didn't think this was super serious so I don't want to call and bother you but lately at night around 10pm I notice a very strong cigarette odor coming from one of the the air vents in my bedroom and it makes my throat and sinuses irritated. The smells get all over my bedding too. I don't know exactly which vent it is coming from or if it is coming from all ven wondering what could be done about it. It is very strong and is hard to sleep at night."

Ignored Email #2

"Good morning, I know this is Sunday but I am hoping you see this message Monday. For the past couple of weeks I have been smelling marijuana and cigarette smoke coming in through the vents in my bathroom and bedroom. It comes in very strongly and smells as if someone is smoking right there in my apartment. I have come home from work smelling heavy cigarette smoke in my living room. It is getting colder at night and I think whoever it is is trying to smoke in their apartment but it is coming into mine. One of my pets has asthma and had an attack this morning from the smell. I know you have sent flyers out urging residents to not smoke and I am extremely appreciative of the efforts. I am not sure if the smell is coming from the person downstairs or upstairs from me. I am not looking forward to the colder months and having to breathe in somebody else's bad habit. My mother died from lung cancer so it is a very personal issue to me. I hope something can be done. Thank you for all you do. Jessica"

Both of these emails were completely ignored. I did my best to be kind and PC in both of my messages. I have also called the office a few times and left voicemails, which of course, were ignored too. I don't know if it is just bad management or if they are super busy all the time or if they are deliberately ignoring my attempts to contact them about the issue. Either way I find it unprofessional when their lease specifically states smoking is not allowed inside the buildings.


The Snoop Snoop Song!!